Pilot with less than 100 hours flight experience executes incredible emergency landing
Vincent Fraser just got his pilot's license a matter of months ago and was flying his father-in-law over the Smoky Mountains when he had to make an emergency landing. The only problem? He had to do it over 4 lanes of traffic.
Randy Aragon

You never know when a hero will emerge out of a sticky situation, but when they do, it’s one of the most inspirational things you can see.

That’s exactly what happened to this amateur pilot, who had to make an emergency landing on a busy street and knocked it out of the park.

Thanks to his quick thinking, no one was hurt!

YouTube - Inside Edition
YouTube - Inside Edition

Vincent Fraser is an amateur pilot.

He has just under 100 hours of flying under his belt, but this past week, he proved that it was just enough to make a breathtaking landing.

Twitter - Vincent Fraser
Twitter - Vincent Fraser

It was just another day of flying for the newly certified pilot.

He and his father-in-law were enjoying a beautiful flight over the Great Smokey Mountains in North Carolina.

Then, something catastrophic happened.

Out of nowhere, the planes single engine failed, leaving Fraser and his father-in-law in a life-or-death situation.

Fraser immediately turned to his father-in-law and apologized for the situation, not knowing if they’d make it out alive but there was little time to talk about it.

It was time to focus.

Tiktok - Vincent Fraser
Tiktok - Vincent Fraser

The beginner pilot’s training kicked in, he began dodging power lines while trying to get the engineless plane ready for an emergency landing.

That’s when he saw it.

A road was hiding in the hills of the mountains. Fraser knew it was his only chance.

There was one problem, the road was full of traveling motorists who were also enjoying a day in the beautiful mountain range. How would he land the plane without hitting any cars?

With no time to think, Fraser let his training take over and began making his descent down to the road.

An amatuer with expert skills

With the skill of an expert pilot, Fraser began gliding down to the road while dodging power lines and drivers, who were unaware of the situation unfolding

The fact that the pilot with just 100 hours of flying experience was able to remain calm is a miracle in itself, but he was able to nonetheless.

When asked how he was able to keep his nerves in check, Frasier told Inside Edition:

YouTube - Inside Edition
YouTube - Inside Edition

“I knew that I had to stay calm to keep my father-in-law alive and keep those people on the ground alive.”

He somehow managed to put the plane down in the center lane, screeching the tires to a halt while narrowly missing the cars.

YouTube - Inside Edition
YouTube - Inside Edition

Thanks to his quick thinking, ability to stay calm, and just enough training, this new pilot was able to not only keep himself and his father-in-law safe but also all the commuters going about their day.

If that’s not a hero pilot, we don’t know what is!

In Another video, the pilot gives a play-by-play of how he was able to make this emergency landing.

People on YouTube agree, and the video already has over 2.6 million views. YouTube user Case16710 even cracked a pretty funny, but accurate joke saying:

“He even does a better job of staying in his lane than most drivers!”

Great job pilot Fraser, and hopefully you never have to do it again.

See this incredible landing for yourself in the video below!

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